Hi there could you please give me a quotation for the shipping of the following. There is approx 2500 to 3000 Tons of steel scaffolding materials that would have to be shipped over a period of time (Say 3 Months). I am not sure as to how many containers I will require as I do not know what weights these can take, also as this is scaffolding which is various sizes there would have to be a mixture of components put into the containers to achieve the max holding. However as you can imagine there will be a substantial amount required. If you worked on the largest container that you have, and say for this time being approx 120 off. Also could you give me a price if you picked up and delivered from our premises at Nth Rocks in Sydney and delivered to a Yard in Dubai Say for this time being approx 50 Klms fromPort. Also a price if it was from port to port.The reason I ask this is that our potential client is still looking at setting up his depot and does not have a definite location at this time. If I can provide any other details as time goes past I will forward these to you, however I need this pricing so that my client can work out his total costs. If we are successful the client will be organizing this and I will be forwarding your quotation onto him. Regards Charles.