If there is anyone here who has the knowledge, I would like information about international excess baggage to Hong Kong. Within the information you will send, please include your response to my questions that I have included here. My trip is due to a business meeting that I have with several new customers and I must carry presentation materials, and product samples with me. How do I pack my belongings? Do you supply the shipping cartons, or must I provide my own? How much does excess baggage shipping cost? Does your company charge by quantity, volume, or weight? What is volumetric weight? If I ship my excess baggage with your company, how will I find my baggage at the destination? And do you ship my baggage on the same airline that I will be flying? If I have asked too many questions in this brief space, then I do apologize. I simply want to have all of the facts available to me before my flight is due to depart. Thank you for sending me this information. And please include whether there is someone at your company that I may contact as well.