International Excess baggage to Ireland
I always travel with more baggage than the airlines allow me to check. While I do understand why they limit the number of bags, it is still frustrating nonetheless. Therefore, I have posted to this forum in anticipation of locating a company who handles international excess baggage to Ireland. My flight is due to depart Los Angeles, California, in the United States, in the third week of next month. However, I want to have all of my travel arrangements finalized much sooner. So if you would be so kind as to submit your information to my email address as soon as possible, I will appreciate it greatly. A few things that I need to know include does your company charge by the bag or by the bag's weight? Do you have any restrictions on the number of bags to be shipped? Can you deliver my bags to my destination to coincide with my flight's arrival? Do you cover any damages to bags that may occur? Also, if you have any other information about your excess baggage shipping services, please also include that with your email as well. Thank you.