Excess baggage to Spain from Italy
There must be some way for me to travel that will permit me to take all of my baggage without the exorbitant fees. I am searching for a company who can deliver my excess baggage to Spain from Italy. To be more specific, I am traveling from Rome, Italy. I have 3 suitcases to ship and only one of them may be considered as large. None of this baggage is heavy, so weight is not a concern. However, I would appreciate it if you can deliver this baggage to Madrid by the time I arrive. Can you company deliver my baggage on time? What steps does your company take to guarantee that my baggage will not be lost while in transit? Please email me with the information I have requested as well as how much you charge to deliver excess baggage as well as what your claim process includes. I want to know in advance just in case anything happens that my baggage does not arrive at its destination. Thanks.