Excess baggage to Portugal from Cairo
I am traveling to Europe from Egypt beginning next month. Since I will be there for an extended duration, I am taking more of my belongings with me. Since I will be traveling by an airliner, I will be unable to take everything with me due to certain restrictions. Therefore, I seek the services of an established company who can deliver my excess baggage to Portugal from Cairo. Is this your company? There will be 6 travel bags that must be shipped by this manner. Most of them are fairly light, but there are two bags that will be heavier than the rest. Will this be a problem for your company? How much of a charge will the extra weight add to my overall cost for this shipment? For that matter, how much does your company charge to ship excess baggage? I have left you with my email address so you can send your information directly to me. Please contact me as soon as possible, as I want to have all of my travel arrangements made within the next two weeks. Thanks.