Fruits shipping to US from Japan
Ohaiyogozaimasu! I would like to ask if you accept shipping to US from Japan. I would like to ship local fruits from our own farm in Yubari, Japan to Brooklyn, US. My relatives are very excited about the fruits because they really miss that taste of it. Do you have any idea if shipping of fruits would be allowed? I will be sending about 3 to 4 boxes of assorted fruits like the Yubari melon, Kaki, Ichijiku, Momo and Yuzu. All of my fruits are organically grown and very delicious. Before I sell everything, I would like to send some to my family. All in all, each type of fruits would be about 2 kilos each. Is shipping of fruits, okay? I have supporting papers if needed. Since this is not for business, I think there is no need for complicated papers are necessary. I know this because some of my friends have shipped out fruits before, but this is my first time. Can you tell me how many days it would take for the fruits to arrive? I don’t want them to arrive rotten or spoiled. Email me your rates as soon as possible please. Thank you.